Sunday, May 9, 2010

One Month Later

My Maddie girl is doing GREAT! She has been gaining weight very well and is a full blown chunky monkey. She was born 7 lbs 4oz and now she is 10 lbs 6oz. The pediatrician told us that after a baby is born they lose weight and it normally takes about two weeks before a newborn will reach their birth weight. Well, Maddie didn't have a problem with that. She was heavier than her birth weight after one weeks time. If nothing else my baby girl is eating well! She has the rolls to prove it.
And sleep... lets just say that my definition of a good nights sleep has changed. The first few weeks she was waking up every two hours. Now, in an 8hr period she will wake up only once. I'm not a baby expert, but I think that's pretty good. I'm thrilled to get that much sleep. Of course it doesn't happen every night, but when it does I feel like a million bucks.
Regardless of how much sleep we get at night, the best part of Maddie's day is first thing in the morning. We sit and talk to her and she just lights up... she smiles and coo's and our hearts just melt.
Actually, there are sooo many things she does that melt my heart. I love when she lifts her head to find me when she hears my voice. I love her giant yawns and how she makes faces in her sleep. I also love that I know just how to hold and comfort her for every one of her cries, and how no one can put Maddie down to sleep at night like I can.
People told me, but I didn't believe it until I experienced it myself... being a Mother is the most rewarding experience. Bottom line, Maddison is the best thing that has every happened to me. That little ball of joy makes me the happiest Mom everyday.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

My Story

In hindsight I guess I'd have to say it all started around 4am on Monday, March 29, 2010. I started having pain around my pelvic bone and in my half asleep state I never considered I was having contractions. I thought Maddie was just dropping down into my pelvic canal... finally. Then I had two contractions; one at 5:00am and another at 5:20am. After that I fell back asleep. Dustin left for work around 5:30am with me assuring him I was not in labor. Then at 7am things started changing. I started having regular pain, but for some reason I was in a complete state of denial that they were labor contractions. I started timing at 7am and the "pains" were 5 minutes apart. I thought, well, that can't be right because when you start labor your contractions are approximately 20 minutes apart... it's only when they become 5 minutes apart that you leave for the hospital. It can't be time for me to go to the hospital... I just started timing for goodness sake. So I called my mom and asked her, "Mom, what does a contraction feel like?" And what she described was exactly what I was having. She told me I need to call Dustin, but I still didn't want to bother him at work... Mom told me otherwise. So I finally called Dustin and told him what was going on. By this time I was having contractions 5 minutes apart for the past hour. Needless to say, Dustin quickly made his way home. He got home about 40 minutes later and we finally left for the hospital.
Once we got to the hospital the "fun" began. First of all the previous night was a full moon and women were dropping babies left and right... I got the last available delivery room. Once I made it back into the labor and delivery room my contractions were VERY strong and 3-5 minutes apart. I was never so happy to see the anesthesiologist in my life. I signed all the forms and curled into a ball for my epidural. As soon as the drugs hit I was a happy camper, but then things went downhill. It's well known that an epidural will drop your blood pressure, but mine completely bottomed out! Dustin had walked away to use the restroom and by the time he got back I was as white as a ghost and pretty much out of it. Dustin looked at me and tried to get me to respond, then he looked up to see about 10 different doctors and nurses busting into my room. With my BP so low it was also having an effect on Maddison, her heart rate jumped up to about 170 and she was being over stressed. They were having a hard time getting my BP back up. The anesthesiologist was called back into the room and gave me some meds to increase my BP, which finally had me stabilized after about an hour. But all the stress on Maddison had caused her to have her first bowel movement, so there was meconium everywhere. The nurses busted my water, put in an internal fetal monitor and also ran water into my uterus to clean out the meconium... there was a lot going on.
Now that I was stabilized 100% of the attention was turned to Maddie. It was discovered that she was not head down, instead she was laying horizontally in my uterus. Also for the birthing process you want the baby to be face down, but Maddie was face up. And to make things worse she had her umbilical cord wrapped around her! You know they say if things are going well you'll only see the doctor when it's time to deliver... not me, the nurse never left my side and I kept seeing the doctor over and over. It turns out that with each contraction I was having the umbilical cord was being compressed causing uterine placental insufficiency and Maddison was not tolerating the labor very well. So I was put in a couple different positions to try and get Maddie to turn and release the cord... that never happened. Finally, the doctor called for the c-section. Dustin dressed in his cap and gown and I was wheeled to the OR... about 30 minutes later Maddison was born happy and healthy!
As eventful as the labor was, the c-section was the exact opposite, and thank God! I don't think my husband could have taken anymore 'events.' Since Maddie was pulled from my belly she has been just perfect. With it all said and done, I wouldn't change a thing. My daughter is perfect and has already brought more joy to mine and Dustin's lives than we knew possible. Thanks for everyone who stood with me through the stressful few hours and for everyone who has expressed their love. We love you, too!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Another Week and No Closer

My doctor's appointment today was a mixed bag for me. I still have not had any real signs or symptoms of going into labor. Not one single contraction in the past week. She checked my cervix and said that it has continued to thin and I'm dilated somewhere between 1 and 2 cm.
While feeling around on my belly my doc was concerned that I'm going to be having a big baby and that a c-section was a possibility. I was sent to sono to get an estimate on Maddison's size and it revealed that she is 8 pounds! But as of right now there is no need to consider having a c-section. My doc said she is still within a range where I can have her vaginally - but that might change.
Maddie is thriving very well... on scale of 8 she is an 8 out of 8. She is very healthy and doing well in her current environment, and likely because of that she's not real thrilled about changing things up. So I will go back to see my doc in 4 days, if nothing happens between now and then. On Tuesday we will set a final plan of action. It's looking like I will have to be induced. If my induction goes as planed and I progress through labor then that's great, but if I don't progress through labor as I should even after the induction then I will be forced to have a c-section.
So it's a mixed bag for me. I could go into labor naturally (my preferred plan), I could be induced, or I could end up having a c-section. At this point it's all on Maddison's terms.
I really hope things progress naturally or at least that I won't require a c-section, but I also know that what I want means absolutely nothing. Of most importance is Maddie's health. So long as she is born a healthy and happy baby girl I couldn't ask for anything more.

Friday, March 19, 2010

38 and 1/2 weeks

I went to the doctor's this morning and still nothing has changed! Without getting too detailed my doctor told me there is an inner cervix and an outer cervix. My outer cervix is dilated only 1cm and my inner cervix is closed tight. So Maddie is just chilling, and not looking to make her appearance anytime soon.
I was kind of surprised by this because I've had a few contractions throughout the week, and I thought I might have dilated a little bit. Guess not. Maddison is very happy where she is and isn't looking to make a move anytime soon. So, as usual, I'll go back next Friday and see if anything has changed. Stay tuned.
Also, against my better judgment I decided to include a picture, which I haven't done in some time (for obvious reasons). I'm at an unbelievably large state, not my most flattering. My face has doubled in size in the past week or two and my belly keeps getting bigger. But the weird thing is that I haven't gained a pound according to the doctor's scale in the past two weeks! Very weird. Please no judgments on my size, it will go down in due time... I promise!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

No News is Good News

My last doctor's applintment was last Friday (2 days ago). The initial plan was to listen to the baby's heartbeat (as usual) and to check my cervix to see if anything has changed. But while the doctor and I were talking she asked me if I've experienced any contractions, and I told her "no." She then explained that because I wasn't yet having any contractions it was very unlikely that my cervix has changed any, and because of that we decided that the cervical check was unnecessary.
I will go back to the doctor next Friday... and every week until Maddison is born. I still haven't had what I would call a contraction. I've had pressure, but not an out right contracting pain. I figure I'll know it when it happens, and that has yet to occur. But all of this is good news for me and Dustin. If we had our choice we'd much rather Maddie not come early. I want her lungs to be fully developed. Plus we've heard through the grapevine that babies born later are generally more happy than babies who are born early. Who knows if that is true. That was pretty much the same grapevine that kept telling me I have having a boy. All I know is that we're on God's and Maddison's time frame... I'm just the vessel. Whenever she's ready to make her appearance, she'll let it be known.... and then I'll let you all know ;)

Friday, March 5, 2010

4 Weeks Out

I had my doctor's appointment today to check my progress. My belly has definitely started to drop, but has more dropping to do. Maddie is "head down," my cervix is 50% effaced and I'm dilated 1cm. All of this means I'm progressing as expected. I will see my doctor every week until Maddie's arrival, so my next appointment is next Friday. My doctor says it's still a little too early to predict the timing of her arrival. So far all the indicators say is that I'm progressing as planned.
This pregnancy has been nothing but wonderful. I still have yet to have a day of sickness, which is a huge blessing! I admit that minimal tasks are infinitely more difficult and I'm always swollen, but that just means I get to take it easy for a little while. I'm really trying to enjoy this last month before my whole world changes. In the next week or two Dustin and I (okay really just me) are planning a date night. It's been a long time since we've gone out and had dinner and even longer since we saw a movie together. He only has 2 more shifts at the hospital, and I don't know who's more happy about that... me or him. I'm trying to enjoy all the quality time I can with him in the next few weeks before all of our attention is shifted to our daughter.
We are so very excited for this life change. I still get nervous from time to time and I say I'm not ready, but I don't think I'll ever be 100% ready. But with Dustin by my side I know we'll be okay.
Maddie - we already love you soooo much and can't wait to hold you!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Couple's Baby Shower

This past weekend some very good family friends of ours hosted a couple's baby shower for Dustin, myself, and our daughter, Maddison. It was a huge success!!! We had lots of family and friends come by. Some people I had not seen in years, like my long time friend Mandie. It had been 6 and 1/2 years since I last saw her, and that's way too long.
Everyone was extremely generous in their gift giving. Dustin and I are pretty much set! After that shower there is very little that we need to buy in preparation for our daughter's arrival. Not only were the gifts generous, but there were some very creative gifts as well. Off the top of my head I'm thinking of the first pair of pink cowboy boots Maddison got from Grandpa Bob and Grandma Rosa. One of the cutest things I've ever seen. My Aunt Vonda knitted a beautiful pink blanket and made me a mother's bracelet that I've worn everyday since I've received it. Then there was a set of pink scrubs with "Maddie" monogrammed on the front. That gift, from our friends Kurt and Tiffany, was a big hit at the party. We also got lots of adorable baby outfits. I tell you what... those Grandmas really know how to pick out some cute baby clothes! Another friend, Justin, bought us a wonderful gift off of our registry (the baby carrier that you strap to yourself) but wanted to make an impression with his wrapping. I guess he wasn't in touch with his feminine side so he avoided all pinks and purples and opted for an Optimus Prime Transformer bag to put his gift in. He was very proud of that. It's those fine details that let us know just how much we're loved by our family and friends.
To everyone reading this blog that attended the couple's shower, or those who could not attend but sent along gifts, I want you to know from the bottom of our hearts how grateful we are. We're blessed to have so many wonderful people in our lives and we appreciate everything you have done for us. And a special thanks to Jenny and Joe for hosting this wonderful party. Jenny, you and Joe truly are the hostest with the mostest. To everyone, thank you!!!
I've attached a few pictures taken at the party.

One of my favorite pictures... me and my Mom!

Another favorite picture spaning 4 generations (if you count Maddison). My Grandma --> My Mom --> Me --> Maddie

Me = Short and Round. Dustin = Tall and Skinny. How we ended up together in a happy marriage... who knows?

Note to Self: When you're 8 months pregnant avoid standing next to your skinny sisters-in-law!

Me and Tipsy. Tipsy is my brother's new puppy. She is too adorable for words.

Maddison's first pair of pink cowboy boots. How cute are they? Bob and Rosa - I love them!

The Optimus Prime Transformer bag that contained our present... nice touch Justin! You definitely know how to leave your mark.